parcel of land

美 [ˈpɑːrsl əv lænd]英 [ˈpɑːsl ɒv lænd]
  • 一块土地
parcel of landparcel of land


an extended area of land
Synonym: tract piece of land piece of ground parcel


  1. This parcel of land consists of18 acres .


  2. But the other man 's parcel of land remained barren .


  3. The chief gave me a small parcel of land and with that I got started .


  4. If a parcel of land like this one does meet all the criteria that need the increase in value could be phenomenal .


  5. Ari did not wish to marry until he could get a parcel of land and build a home .


  6. It was read by a Realtor who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands.When told that the church could not pay so much , he offered it for 57 cents .


  7. A ' brownfield ' is a parcel of land contaminated by one or more hazardous substances , but that has potential to be reused once it is cleaned up .


  8. A medieval form of land tenure in England ; a copyhold was a parcel of land granted to a peasant by the lord of the manor in return for agricultural services .


  9. Mr. Zuckerberg has reportedly spent more than $ 30 million to buy the homes around his in Palo Alto , Calif. , and more than $ 100 million for a secluded parcel of land in Hawaii .


  10. On a dusty , cactus-studded parcel of land heading south out of Mexico City , SMG members receive rudimentary training in Mexican law , detailed coaching in the use of firearms as well as what to do in specific emergencies .


  11. If the floor-area rate is higher , the land prices will be higher . The parcel area of land which government can control may also affect land sales prices .
